Ganeshamurthi is a two-time MP, who had spoken to Palani in the twelfth Lok Sabha (1998) and Erode amid the 2009-14 time frame. Cheapest HONG KONG VPS SERVER
DMK's partner MDMK on Saturday reported the candidature of previous MP A Ganeshamurthi from the Erode voting public for the April 18 Lok Sabha decisions in Tamil Nadu. cloud server providers
Ganeshamurthi is a two-time MP, who had spoken to Palani in the twelfth Lok Sabha (1998) and Erode amid the 2009-14 time frame.
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"Ganeshamurthi is challenging from Erode as MDMK competitor, in the interest of the DMK-drove Secular Progressive Alliance," MDMK originator Vaiko said in an announcement here.
MDMK has been assigned the Erode body electorate, even as DMK President M K Stalin has guaranteed one Rajya Sabha seat to his gathering's partner at the fitting time. Tamil Nadu has an aggregate of 39 Lok Sabha seats.Cheap Windows/Linux VPS Hosting Server in France